1. Features
☆Voice is re-programmable(can change control mode).
☆Six kinds of WT588C-16S capacity are optional: 4Mb, 8Mb, 16Mb, 32Mb, 64Mb, 128Mb.
☆Two audio output modes: PWM and DAC.
☆With internal integrated clock oscillator.
☆Maximum 255-section voice can be loaded.
☆Triggering steady time: 50us(serial port) and 10ms(button).
☆Support audio play even with different sample rates.
☆Support output function in BUSY status.
☆Operating voltage: DC2.4~5.0V.
2. Chip Selection
WT588C16-16S: internal memory is 16Mbit; voice can be replaced easily.
WT588C-16S: external SPI-flash; voice can be replaced easily.
Chip control mode: two-wire serial port.
Chip output modes: PWM output(direct to drive speaker), DAC output(used for external power amplifier). For the corresponding reference circuit, see below.
3. Applications
△Vehicle (anti-theft alarm, parking radar, GPS navigator, electronic dog, central locking);
△Smart home system;
△Home burglar alarm;
△Human voice prompt for medical devices;
△Appliances (induction cooker, rice cooker, microwave oven);
△Entertainment equipment(games, amusement machine);
△Learning model (early education machine, children audio books);
△Intelligent transportation equipment (toll station, parking lot);
△Communication equipment (telephone exchange, telephone);
△Industrial control areas (elevator, industrial equipment);
△Advanced toys.
4. Pin Diagram
4.1 WT588C16-16S

4.2 WT588C-16S